Forest by Mealawe

Eat Well Plant Well.Mealawe Teams Up with Grow a Billion Trees: Planting for a Greener Future for Reducing Carbon footprints.In today's world, where c Read more

16 Trees planted by

*data refreshed every hour

Sibani Tripathy 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Attideep Raina 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Jaswanth 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Mohammad Abid 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Shubham Sharma 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Alok Sth 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Hardik Hirani 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Rajesh 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Ashish Ahuja 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

GP 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Dixit Oza 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Aradhana 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Shivam Sharma 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Shubhanshu 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Tanya Katiyar 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

Rohit 1 Tree(s)
from Pune Jun 05, 2024

*data refreshed every hour

Sibani Tripathy 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Attideep Raina 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Jaswanth 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Mohammad Abid 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Shubham Sharma 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Alok Sth 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Hardik Hirani 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Rajesh 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Ashish Ahuja 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

GP 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Dixit Oza 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Aradhana 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Shivam Sharma 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Shubhanshu 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Tanya Katiyar 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Rohit 1 Tree(s)
Pune Jun 05, 2024

Want to plant your tree now?

Plant a Tree @ 299

Forest by Mealawe

Eat Well Plant Well.

Mealawe Teams Up with Grow a Billion Trees: Planting for a Greener Future for Reducing Carbon footprints.

In today's world, where climate change is a pressing issue, every action counts. That's why Mealawe is proud to announce its partnership with Grow a Billion Trees, a renowned organization dedicated to reforestation efforts worldwide.

At Mealawe, we understand the importance of reducing carbon footprints and combating deforestation. That's why we're taking a step further by integrating sustainability into our core values, Also we changed our Brand colour in respect of Go-Green. Through this partnership, every order placed with Mealawe will contribute to the planting of a tree in your name, thanks to Grow a Billion Trees.
But why stop there? We believe in spreading awareness and inspiring others to join the cause. That's why we've launched a dedicated blog to shed light on the importance of reforestation and the impact of individual actions on the environment. From informative articles to inspiring stories of reforestation success, our blog aims to educate and motivate our community to take action.

Join us as we embark on this journey towards a greener, more sustainable future. Together, we can make a difference—one meal, one tree at a time.🌳

Let's plant the seeds of change today for a better tomorrow.

Location: Sahayadri Van, Village Girvi, Phaltan,Satara MH 415523

Google Location Address:

Project Overview: "Sahayadri Van" is a transformative reforestation project located in Girvi Village, nestled in the picturesque landscape of Satara District, Maharashtra. This initiative is a collaboration with Grow Billion Trees, contributing to the creation of forests and translating the vision into tangible, on-the-ground impact.

Key Aims of Sahayadri Van:

  1. Biodiversity Enhancement: The primary focus of Sahayadri Van is to significantly contribute to the biodiversity of the region. Through strategic tree planting, the project aims to create a thriving ecosystem that supports a diverse range of plant and animal species, mirroring the richness of the Sahyadri mountain range.

  2. Water Table Improvement: Recognizing the critical role of forests in water conservation, Sahayadri Van strives to positively impact the local water table. By fostering the growth of indigenous tree species with deep root systems, the project aims to enhance water retention in the soil, mitigate erosion, and contribute to overall watershed health.

  3. Community Empowerment and Income Diversification: Sahayadri Van seeks to empower local farmers by integrating agroforestry practices. By planting economically viable tree species alongside traditional crops, the project aims to diversify income streams for partner farmers. This approach not only enhances economic resilience but also promotes sustainable land use practices.

  4. Overall Ecosystem Restoration: The project envisions the restoration of the entire ecosystem in Girvi Village. By carefully selecting native tree species, Sahayadri Van aims to recreate a balanced and resilient environment that provides habitat for wildlife, improves soil health, and contributes to the overall well-being of the community.

Implementation Strategies:

  1. Strategic Tree Planting: Sahayadri Van will employ a carefully curated selection of native tree species, considering the ecological requirements of the region and the preferences of local fauna.

  2. Community Engagement and Education: The project will actively engage with the local community through awareness programs, workshops, and training sessions. This will foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among residents, ensuring the sustained success of Sahayadri Van.

  3. Agroforestry Models: Introducing agroforestry models will involve collaborative efforts with farmers, providing them with the knowledge and resources to integrate trees into their existing agricultural practices. This will contribute to increased agricultural productivity and diversified income sources.

  4. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular monitoring and evaluation processes will be implemented to assess the ecological impact of Sahayadri Van. Data on biodiversity, water table levels, and community well-being will be collected to track progress and guide adaptive management strategies.

Outcome: Sahayadri Van aspires to be a model of sustainable and community-driven reforestation, showcasing the positive outcomes of harmonizing environmental conservation, economic development, and community resilience. The project aligns with the broader goals of Grow Billion Trees, contributing to the creation of forests while leaving a lasting legacy in the heart of Girvi Village.

Want to plant your tree now?

Plant a Tree @ 299