Reliance Foundation's Biodiversity Restoration Project: Sunhera Village

Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), through its philanthropic arm, Reliance Foundation, has made significant strides toward creating an inclusive and s Read more

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Reliance Foundation's Biodiversity Restoration Project: Sunhera Village

Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), through its philanthropic arm, Reliance Foundation, has made significant strides toward creating an inclusive and sustainable India. Beyond its business ventures, Reliance Foundation champions numerous community engagement initiatives aimed at fostering positive societal impact.

Central to their environmental efforts is the Forest Land Afforestation initiative—a testament to their commitment to restoring degraded landscapes and enriching the cultural and ecological significance of the regions they serve.

The project focuses on restoring a degraded mining dump yard located within the Aravalli mountain range, aiming to enhance the ecological health and biodiversity of the region.  This project not only restores a degraded landscape but also enriches the cultural significance of the area.

Under the leadership of Founder Chairperson Smt. Nita M Ambani, Reliance Foundation collaborates with local communities and various organizations to drive sustainable development, ensuring a greener and healthier future for all.



Hill No: 2304,2305, Village: Sunhera, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, 321022


Plantation Date

18thJuly 2024


Trees Planted

(Total: 3100 trees planted)


Renowned for its medicinal properties and remarkable resilience, the Neem tree stands as a testament to nature's healing powers, offering shade, sustenance, and environmental benefits to urban dwellers.


Revered for its cultural significance and spiritual symbolism, the Peepal tree embodies tranquility, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment, serving as a cherished symbol of urban greenery and spiritual sanctuary.


Known for its beautiful flowers and ability to thrive in various conditions, the Kachnar tree adds aesthetic and ecological value to the landscape, supporting biodiversity and providing habitat for wildlife.


With its rich, dark fruits and numerous health benefits, the Jamun tree not only contributes to the local food supply but also supports ecological stability and biodiversity.


Hardy and drought-resistant, the Ber tree offers nutritious fruits and serves as a critical resource for both humans and wildlife, enhancing the resilience of the local ecosystem.


Forest Type

Forest Land Afforestation:

Forest Land Afforestation is a vital initiative aimed at reviving the ecological health of the Aravalli Mountains. This project involves planting a variety of native Rajasthan trees, which not only boosts biodiversity but also enhances soil health and water conservation, thereby creating a sustainable ecosystem.


Advantages of Forest Land Afforestation

Forest Land Afforestation, as exemplified by Reliance Foundation's initiative, represents a holistic approach to environmental restoration that recognizes the critical role of trees and green spaces in fostering sustainable ecosystems. The benefits include:

Air Quality Enhancement

Forest trees act as natural air purifiers, filtering out pollutants and releasing oxygen, significantly improving air quality and mitigating the adverse effects of pollution on public health.

Temperature Regulation

Strategically placed trees in forests help mitigate the effects of climate change by providing shade and evaporative cooling, reducing energy consumption, alleviating heat-related stress, and enhancing overall livability.

Biodiversity Promotion

Forests play a crucial role in fostering biodiversity conservation by creating habitats for a diverse array of plant and animal species, enhancing ecological resilience, and creating vibrant ecosystems.

Stormwater Management

Trees contribute to effective stormwater management by intercepting rainfall, reducing surface runoff, and preventing soil erosion, thereby mitigating the risk of flooding, water pollution, and associated environmental hazards.

Community Well-being

Access to green spaces and forests has been linked to numerous mental and physical health benefits, including stress reduction, improved mental well-being, increased physical activity, and enhanced social cohesion, enriching the quality of life for residents.


Planting Technique And It's Benefits 

The project employs a three-pronged approach to tree planting, each with specific environmental and biodiversity benefits:

Kadam Khand (Orchard with Kadam Trees)

  • Number of Trees: 200 Kadam trees
  • Significance: The Kadam tree holds religious significance in the local culture, fostering a connection between the restored landscape and local traditions.
  • Benefits: Kadam trees are efficient air purifiers, filtering pollutants and improving air quality. The trees help fix nitrogen in the soil, improving fertility and supporting plant growth.

Mixed Native Species Planting on the Hill

  • Number of Trees: 400
  • Species: Neem, Peepal, Kachnar, Jamun, Ber, and other native Rajasthan trees
  • Significance: Planting a mix of native species promotes biodiversity and creates a more robust ecosystem which is able to withstand environmental pressures like droughts or pests.
  • Benefits: Planting native trees provides food and shelter for local wildlife species, encouraging their return to the restored area.

Dense Forestation

  • Number of Trees: 2500
  • Species: A mix of native species including Teak, Bamboo, Imli, Jamun, Neem, Karanj, Amla, Pipal, Shisham, Bakayan, Mango, Amaltas, Rain Tree, Sehjan, Cassia, Kachnar, Ber, Guava, Gudhal
  • Significance: Creating a dense forest area provides an enhanced habitat for diverse wildlife species. The densely planted trees help control soil erosion, promoting water infiltration and nutrient cycling, leading to healthier soil.
  • Benefits: Dense forestation play a vital role in mitigating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Planting trees helps offset carbon emissions and contributes to a greener future.


Reliance Foundation has implemented an innovative water harvesting method using semi-circular structures on the Aravalli Hills as part of their tree plantation initiative. This technique plays a vital role in both water conservation and ecosystem restoration in the arid and degraded landscape of the Aravalli range.


Semi-Circular Water Harvesting Structures

The semi-circular bunds, strategically placed across the hills, are designed to capture rainwater and reduce surface runoff. By slowing down the water flow, these structures help in retaining moisture in the soil, which is critical for recharging groundwater and supporting tree growth in the dry, hilly region. The trapped water gradually infiltrates into the soil, providing a sustained water source for the trees and promoting better root development.


Enhancing Tree Growth and Ecosystem Restoration

This method of water harvesting is particularly beneficial in areas like the Aravalli Hills, where rainfall is sporadic, and water retention is essential for successful afforestation. By enhancing soil moisture and preventing erosion, the semi-circular structures support the growth of native tree species, helping to restore the natural ecosystem. This contributes not only to biodiversity enhancement but also to the improvement of local climate conditions, soil quality, and carbon sequestration.
The initiative reflects Reliance Foundation’s commitment to sustainable land restoration and aligns with broader environmental goals of improving water management and promoting afforestation in challenging terrains.




Tree Plantation Purpose

Reliance Foundation’s initiative to restore the Aravali Hills has made a significant impact on achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and  Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals. 

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

The restoration efforts improve water infiltration, enhance groundwater recharge, and promote sustainable water use. This helps prevent water scarcity in surrounding communities, ensuring better access to clean water and supporting ecosystem health.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

The Aravali Hill restoration creates employment opportunities by engaging local communities in conservation activities. This provides livelihoods through eco-restoration work and supports economic resilience while fostering environmental stewardship.

SDG 13: Climate Action

By reforesting the Aravali Hills, the initiative sequesters carbon dioxide, contributing to climate change mitigation. The restored forest cover helps in reducing the overall carbon footprint and enhances the resilience of the ecosystem against climate-related impacts.

SDG 15: Life on Land

Reliance Foundation’s initiative to restore the Aravali Hills combats desertification, restores degraded land, and enhances biodiversity. Through extensive tree planting and soil conservation, the project regenerates native vegetation, improves soil quality, reduces erosion, and creates habitats for diverse wildlife, preserving the region’s natural ecosystem.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Reliance Foundation collaborates with government bodies, local communities, and environmental organizations in its restoration efforts. These partnerships enhance the effectiveness and scalability of the project, demonstrating the power of collective action in achieving sustainability goals.


Environmental Goals (E): Enhancing Ecosystem Health and Climate Resilience

The restoration of the Aravali Hills aligns with Reliance Foundation’s environmental goals by focusing on biodiversity conservation, land restoration, and climate action. The reforestation efforts have enhanced soil quality, reduced erosion, and improved the overall health of the ecosystem, contributing to significant carbon sequestration and mitigating the effects of climate change. By regenerating native vegetation, the project supports habitat creation for wildlife, helping to preserve and enhance biodiversity. These actions are critical in reversing the degradation of one of India’s most vital ecological regions, showcasing Reliance Foundation’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable land management.


Social Goals (S): Empowering Communities and Enhancing Livelihoods

The Aravali Hills restoration project also addresses social sustainability by engaging local communities in conservation activities, thus creating employment and supporting rural livelihoods. By involving community members in tree planting, maintenance, and soil conservation tasks, the initiative not only provides economic benefits but also fosters a sense of environmental responsibility among the residents. The project’s emphasis on sustainable water management has improved water availability, benefiting surrounding communities and contributing to better agricultural productivity. This holistic approach strengthens community resilience, enhances quality of life, and empowers local populations through sustainable practices.


Governance Goals (G): Strengthening Partnerships and Transparent Practices

Reliance Foundation’s approach to the Aravali Hills restoration emphasizes strong governance through collaborative partnerships with government bodies, environmental organizations, and local stakeholders. This inclusive approach ensures that the restoration efforts are guided by scientific expertise, community input, and transparent decision-making processes. By promoting accountability and fostering strong partnerships, Reliance Foundation demonstrates a commitment to ethical practices and effective governance, ensuring that the project’s outcomes are sustainable and beneficial for all stakeholders involved.





Summary of Plantation Activity

Reliance Foundation's Forest Land Afforestation initiative epitomizes a transformative approach to community engagement and environmental stewardship. Through active participation in tree planting activities, educational outreach, and fostering collaborative partnerships, Reliance Foundation empowers communities to actively contribute to the creation and maintenance of sustainable ecosystems.

This initiative aims not only to mitigate carbon emissions but also to cultivate a sense of environmental consciousness, civic responsibility, and community pride. As Reliance Foundation nurtures these green spaces, it lays the groundwork for a future where landscapes are vibrant, resilient, and teeming with life.


Trees for Corporates

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What is Reliance Foundation’s approach to tree plantation?

Reliance Foundation focuses on large-scale tree plantations as part of our commitment to environmental sustainability. Our approach integrates community engagement, scientific planning, and sustainable practices to ensure the survival and growth of trees. We plant native species that support biodiversity, improve soil health, and enhance water retention. Our efforts contribute to carbon sequestration, improved air quality, and a greener, more resilient ecosystem. Reliance Foundation collaborates with local communities, schools, and organizations to create lasting green spaces that benefit the environment and the people.

How does Reliance Foundation contribute to afforestation?

Reliance Foundation drives afforestation through dedicated programs that restore degraded lands and create new green spaces. Our initiatives focus on planting native trees that are resilient to local climatic conditions, enhancing biodiversity and soil fertility. We work closely with communities, providing education and resources to ensure that afforestation efforts are sustainable. By turning barren lands into thriving ecosystems, we combat climate change, support wildlife, and improve the quality of life for surrounding communities. Our goal is to create forests that stand the test of time and benefit future generations.

Why is afforestation important to Reliance Foundation?

Afforestation is crucial to Reliance Foundation because it directly addresses climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. By planting trees on degraded land, we are restoring nature’s balance, sequestering carbon, and creating habitats for wildlife. Afforestation also supports local communities by improving soil health, increasing water retention, and providing economic opportunities through forest-based products. It’s more than planting trees; it’s about building a sustainable future. Our commitment to afforestation reflects our broader goal of enhancing ecological resilience and contributing to a healthier planet.

How does Reliance Foundation involve communities in tree plantation?

Reliance Foundation actively involves communities in tree plantation projects to ensure the sustainability of our efforts. We organize workshops, training sessions, and community-driven planting events where local residents, including schools and NGOs, participate. By engaging communities, we foster a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the planted trees. This collaborative approach helps in the long-term maintenance and protection of green spaces. We believe that community involvement is key to the success of any environmental initiative, and we strive to empower individuals to become stewards of their local environment.

What species of trees does Reliance Foundation plant?

Reliance Foundation focuses on planting native and ecologically suitable tree species to promote biodiversity and environmental resilience. We select species that are adapted to local climatic conditions, such as Neem, Banyan, Mango, and various indigenous fruit trees. These species not only enhance the ecological value of the area but also support local wildlife and provide economic benefits to communities. Native trees are chosen for their ability to thrive without extensive maintenance, making them ideal for long-term sustainability. Our goal is to create thriving green spaces that contribute to the local ecosystem.

How does tree plantation help in climate change mitigation?

Tree plantation plays a crucial role in climate change mitigation by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reducing greenhouse gas levels. Trees act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing CO2 and releasing oxygen, which helps combat global warming. Additionally, plantations improve soil health, reduce erosion, and enhance water retention, creating a more resilient environment. Reliance Foundation’s tree plantation initiatives are designed to maximize these benefits, turning barren land into carbon-absorbing green spaces. By planting trees, we’re not just greening the landscape—we’re making a direct impact on the fight against climate change.

What are the benefits of Reliance Foundation’s afforestation projects?

Reliance Foundation’s afforestation projects offer numerous environmental, social, and economic benefits. They help combat climate change by sequestering carbon, enhance biodiversity by creating habitats for wildlife, and improve soil quality. Our projects also support local communities by creating green jobs and promoting sustainable livelihoods. Afforestation helps in water conservation, reduces air pollution, and contributes to a healthier environment for all. By transforming degraded lands into thriving ecosystems, we’re not just planting trees—we’re planting the seeds of a sustainable future.

How does Reliance Foundation ensure the survival of planted trees?

Reliance Foundation employs a comprehensive approach to ensure the survival of planted trees. We use native species that are well adapted to local conditions and provide aftercare, including regular watering, mulching, and protection from grazing. Our community engagement programs train locals in tree care, creating a sense of ownership and responsibility. Monitoring and evaluation are integral to our strategy, allowing us to track growth and address challenges. By combining scientific methods with community involvement, we maximize the survival rates of our trees, ensuring that our efforts lead to lasting environmental impact.

What is the impact of Reliance Foundation’s tree plantation on local communities?

Reliance Foundation’s tree plantation initiatives have a profound impact on local communities by enhancing environmental health and providing economic opportunities. Plantations improve air quality, support biodiversity, and create cooler, greener spaces for residents. They also offer economic benefits, such as job creation in tree planting and maintenance and income from non-timber forest products. Our programs empower communities through education and participation, fostering a sense of stewardship. The overall effect is a healthier, more sustainable environment that supports the well-being of current and future generations.

How can individuals get involved with Reliance Foundation’s tree plantation projects?

Individuals can get involved with Reliance Foundation’s tree plantation projects by participating in our community drives, volunteering, and supporting our initiatives. We offer opportunities for people of all ages to join planting events, attend workshops, and learn about the importance of trees and environmental conservation. You can also contribute by spreading awareness, adopting trees, or donating to support our afforestation efforts. By working together, we can amplify our impact and ensure that our planet remains green and thriving for future generations.

1. Tree Plantation Drive by Reliance Foundation

Tree plantation drives by Reliance Foundation aren’t just about planting trees—they’re about planting hope, shade, and a whole lot of ‘cool’ in our warming planet! These drives are like green flash mobs; trees spring up suddenly, bringing life to barren lands, improving air quality, and making our surroundings a little less concrete and a lot more comforting. From urban jungles to rural landscapes, Reliance Foundation is on a mission to sprinkle green wherever possible, proving that growing trees is the easiest way to make the Earth a cooler place—literally! Whether it’s a sapling in your backyard or a grand plantation event, every tree counts in our journey to a greener tomorrow. Join the drive, and let’s turn every barren spot into a forest of possibilities!

2. Sustainable Afforestation Initiatives

Reliance Foundation’s sustainable afforestation initiatives are like nature’s version of a makeover show. Imagine taking a scrubby piece of land and giving it a lush, green transformation that would make even the Amazon jealous! These initiatives are not just about planting trees but ensuring that each sapling survives, thrives, and eventually grows into a part of a resilient forest ecosystem. Through community engagement, careful species selection, and ongoing maintenance, Reliance Foundation ensures that every afforestation effort is a roaring success. So, if you thought afforestation was just ‘plant and forget,’ think again—it’s a commitment to nurturing Mother Nature one tree at a time, and Reliance is leading the way!

3. Reliance Foundation Green India Mission

trees, wildlife, clean air, and happy communities all joining forces to combat climate change. This mission isn’t just about planting trees; it’s about creating a harmonious balance between nature and humanity. By restoring degraded lands, enhancing biodiversity, and sequestering carbon, the Green India Mission is building a legacy that future generations will thank us for. It’s like giving the Earth a health boost, one sapling at a time. So, put on your cape—or should we say gloves—and get involved. Let’s green up India, one tree at a time!

4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Tree Plantations

they’re not just trees—they’re Reliance’s way of giving back to the world, one leafy branch at a time.

5. Urban Tree Plantation Projects

shade on a sweltering street, birds chirping on your morning walk, and a cooler, fresher atmosphere that makes urban living a little less hectic. By planting trees in urban spaces, Reliance is turning gray to green, one sapling at a time. Whether it’s beautifying city parks, enhancing roadside greenery, or even creating mini-forests, these projects are breathing new life into our cities. The next time you take a deep breath of fresh air in the city, tip your hat to these urban warriors making a leafy difference.

6. Community Engagement in Afforestation

Community engagement in afforestation is the secret sauce behind Reliance Foundation’s tree-planting success. It’s not just about handing out saplings and hoping for the best—it’s about rallying the troops! Local communities become green warriors, planting, nurturing, and protecting their newly established green spaces. Through workshops, hands-on activities, and educational programs, Reliance ensures that everyone, from kids to elders, knows the value of trees. The result? Forests that are loved, cared for, and fiercely protected by the people who live near them. It’s proof that when communities and corporates team up, they can achieve a lot more than just planting trees—they can grow a movement.

7. Climate Change Mitigation through Afforestation

it’s more than just a patch of green; it’s a frontline defense against climate change!

8. Environmental Education and Tree Planting

Reliance Foundation isn’t just planting trees; they’re planting knowledge too! Environmental education is a big part of their tree-planting programs, turning participants into eco-champions. Through interactive sessions, hands-on activities, and community workshops, Reliance makes learning about the environment as fun as it is informative. It’s not just about planting a tree; it’s about understanding why it’s needed, how it helps, and what more we can do. From school kids to corporate teams, everyone walks away knowing a little more and feeling inspired to take action. After all, knowledge is the root of all sustainable action—and Reliance is making sure those roots run deep!